A Tri Generational Conversation For Emerging Leaders!
Feb. 9, 2022

As Authentic As They Come: Chris Widener Joins The Lounge

As Authentic As They Come: Chris Widener Joins The Lounge

This week, Jon, Dr. Karim, and Coach bring on author and speaker Chris Widener. Chris has several books and is a member of the Motivational Speakers Hall Of Fame.

We discuss authenticity, overcoming odds, improving your personal and professional...

This week, Jon, Dr. Karim, and Coach bring on author and speaker Chris Widener. Chris has several books and is a member of the Motivational Speakers Hall Of Fame.

We discuss authenticity, overcoming odds, improving your personal and professional life, and so much more!

Chris offers coaching to individuals who are willing to learn and want to improve areas of their lives. He also still speaks to audiences. To get learn more, visit https://chriswidener.com/ or email Chris@chriswidener.com.