A Tri Generational Conversation For Emerging Leaders!
Feb. 24, 2022

Hope & Recovery With Norm Wielsch

Hope & Recovery With Norm Wielsch

This week, Jon, Coach, and Rehnuma dive into the topic of mental health and PTSD, speaking with a man with an inspiring story. Norm tells his story, how he ended up with PTSD, suffering from addiction, in prison, and then rehabilitating and now...

This week, Jon, Coach, and Rehnuma dive into the topic of mental health and PTSD, speaking with a man with an inspiring story. Norm tells his story, how he ended up with PTSD, suffering from addiction, in prison, and then rehabilitating and now helping others to do the same through his organization and book.

You can find Norm's book "Christ-Centered Healing" here: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/christ-centered-healing-of-trauma-norm-wielsch/1140816656

If you are struggling with anything described in this episode, learn more and get in touch with Norm here: https://www.christ-centeredhealing.com/