A Tri Generational Conversation For Emerging Leaders!
Dec. 21, 2022

Leadership In Life & Relationships

Leadership In Life & Relationships

Doctors Jamie and Patrick Leddin of Vanderbuilt University share some thoughts related to leadership they have learned through 31 years of marraige, writing a book, earning doctorate degrees and teaching at Vanderbuilt, climbing mountains (literally)...

Doctors Jamie and Patrick Leddin of Vanderbuilt University share some thoughts related to leadership they have learned through 31 years of marraige, writing a book, earning doctorate degrees and teaching at Vanderbuilt, climbing mountains (literally) and starting and running their own business together.

Find the Five Week Leadership Challenge HERE: https://www.amazon.com/Five-Week-Leadership-Challenge-Action-Become/dp/1400225302/

Check out another great leadership podcast, The Leadership Lab, HERE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leadership-lab-with-dr-patrick-leddin/id1467441717

Find out about the Leddins and enjoy many free resources, as well as find out ways they may be able to help you at: leddingroup.com