A Tri Generational Conversation For Emerging Leaders!
Jan. 12, 2022

Leadership Trends - Bill Treasurer

Leadership Trends - Bill Treasurer

This week, Jon, Coach, and Rehnuma discuss with author, speaker, and CEO of Giant Leap Consulting Bill Treasurer! We touch on many topics, including trends in leadership in our rapidly changing world! This episode is valuable to anyone along the...

This week, Jon, Coach, and Rehnuma discuss with author, speaker, and CEO of Giant Leap Consulting Bill Treasurer! We touch on many topics, including trends in leadership in our rapidly changing world! This episode is valuable to anyone along the leadership journey, whether you have decades of experience in leadership, or none at all.

To find out more about our guest today, Bill Treasurer, see the following links!

Bill Treasurer Site: https://billtreasurer.com/

Giant Leap Consulting: https://www.giantleapconsulting.com/

Bill also has a NEW BOOK coming this fall! Be sure to find that when it is released on hi websites!

To get in touch with Bill:
