How cool must it be to hang out with sports icons and write about them for a living? Well, Don Yaeger has made a career out of it - making him a sports icon himself.
Don shares lessons from legends with us this week. He generously tells us many of the leadership philosophies of the greats - and adds in a fun story about the greatest of all time as well.
Not only is Don a Best-Selling author, he is also an Executive Coach and Award-Winning Speaker.
And after spending some time with him, we can see why.
Learn more about Don:
two weeks, we will hit
100 episodes!! Stay tuned on
June 14th for the release of a very special 100th episode featuring highlights from the first 99.
Thank you for your support, and here's to the next 100!
This week's episode is sponsored by Coach Jim Johnson Speaking. Looking for a speaker to motivate, educate, or inspire your organization? Coach's calendar is filling up fast! Learn more at