A Tri Generational Conversation For Emerging Leaders!
Feb. 16, 2023

Mentors Matter With Debbie Heiser

Mentors Matter With Debbie Heiser

Why Do Mentors Matter? And what do we do in a world that doesn't always understand the value of mentorship?

This week, Debbie Heiser of The Mentor Project joins us to discuss this and so much more:

- Intergenerational Connections
- Mentorship vs....

Why Do Mentors Matter? And what do we do in a world that doesn't always understand the value of mentorship?

This week, Debbie Heiser of The Mentor Project joins us to discuss this and so much more:

  • Intergenerational Connections
  • Mentorship vs. Coaching
  • Traits of a good mentor
  • Mentorship Training
  • Motivation to be a mentor

And so much more!

Get in touch with Debbie:



Or on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah-heiser-phd

This week's episode is sponsored by Coach Jim Johnson Speaking. Looking for a speaker to motivate, educate, or inspire your organization? Coach's calendar is filling up fast! Learn more at coachjimjohnson.com