A Tri Generational Conversation For Emerging Leaders!
Jan. 3, 2024

Overcoming Burnout With Cait Donovan

Overcoming Burnout With Cait Donovan


Many young and emerging professionals deal with it, and it's time to address it. In this episode, we cover burnout with one of the topic's top thought leaders.

Cait Donovan works with top organizations to prevent burnout, increasing...


Many young and emerging professionals deal with it, and it's time to address it. In this episode, we cover burnout with one of the topic's top thought leaders.

Cait Donovan works with top organizations to prevent burnout, increasing employee satisfaction and retaining top talent.

Her insights today for leaders at all levels are valuable, and her book is a must read for women experiencing burnout: https://www.amazon.com/Bouncebackability-Factor-Burnout-Resilience-Change/dp/1735194905

Cait is also a keynote speaker, and hosts a podcast called FRIED: @friedtheburnoutpodcast

Learn more and get in touch: caitdonovan.com

Follow Cait on Instagram: @caitdonovanspeaks