A Tri Generational Conversation For Emerging Leaders!
Dec. 6, 2023

Overcoming The Impostor With Kris Kelso

Overcoming The Impostor With Kris Kelso

Impostor Syndrome, according to our guest Kris Kelso, is when there is evidence that you're successful, but your brain doesn't believe it.

This can be demoralizing and potentially detrimental to young and emerging leaders like yourself.

How do we...

Impostor Syndrome, according to our guest Kris Kelso, is when there is evidence that you're successful, but your brain doesn't believe it.

This can be demoralizing and potentially detrimental to young and emerging leaders like yourself.

How do we begin the process of overcoming impostor syndrome?

Good news is, Kris Kelso has some answers. He quite literally wrote the book on this topic, which you can find here.

We talk about silencing the inner critic, setting parameters for success, life balance, and so much more in this book.

This episode could possibly be the beginning of a mindset shift for you that transforms your career.

Learn more about Kris and get in touch at kriskelso.com.