A Tri Generational Conversation For Emerging Leaders!
Feb. 14, 2024

Redifining Selling with Jake Stahl

Redifining Selling with Jake Stahl

What comes to mind when you picture a salesperson?

Is it the pushy, aggressive, irritating person who won't take no for an answer? The shameless spammer who makes their way into your inbox on a daily basis?

Jake Stahl is working with salespeople to...

What comes to mind when you picture a salesperson?

Is it the pushy, aggressive, irritating person who won't take no for an answer? The shameless spammer who makes their way into your inbox on a daily basis?

Jake Stahl is working with salespeople to change this perception.
The strategies he teaches young professionals on selling don't just make them more effective, they change the perception of people who sell.

Learn more about Jake, and see how he can help you: jakestahlconsulting.com