A Tri Generational Conversation For Emerging Leaders!
Nov. 30, 2022

You Need A Break!

You Need A Break!

As humans, we weren't meant to work all the time! We need breaks... something that if you're like us, you're probably not good at taking. How do we become more intentional about taking breaks daily?

In this episode, we spend time discussing taking...

As humans, we weren't meant to work all the time! We need breaks... something that if you're like us, you're probably not good at taking. How do we become more intentional about taking breaks daily?

In this episode, we spend time discussing taking little breaks throughout the day and some way you can implement these into your routine. We also discuss the importance of long term breaks such as days away from the office and vacations.

So sit back, take a break.... and let us know what you think! Are you good at taking breaks? What are some of the most effective types of breaks you take?

Get in touch with us on Facebook, or individually!


